Welcome To

The Sam Site

About Me

Life is pain and it must end

The button below will end all life on earth, ending all suffering and pain and resetting the world to a neutral state


Breaking down

I am an expert in breaking down over the smallest of issues, if you need someone to curl up and sob into their shirts over missing the bin when throwing in paper, then I’m your man.


Crying is something I have done since I was a very young child, if you need someone to cry and bawl because they saw an image of a cute dog then here I am!

Giving up

Every since I was young I could achieve a lot with minimal effort. This has caused me to give up whenever I encounter the smallest amount of resistance. I will give up and there is nothing you can do to prevent it.

Silent screaming is a great way to pass the time!


I am (not) trying my best


I must die as well.

I will be leaving.

League only brings me pain but I cannot leave.